My buddy Jens and I are leaving tomorrow to do another trip through America. Itinerary looks like this:
Austin–>St. Louis–>Chicago–>NY/CT
We are gonna check out sxsw and what else Austin has to offer. Rumor has it, there might be some BBQ, Willie Nelson and some firearms involved, but you didn’t hear that from me. Well, okay, yes you did. St. Patrick’s Day may involve drinking in a family owned drinking establishment. Chicago is gonna be awesome. It has been 8 years since I’ve been there and I miss it terribly.
If I get near a computer, and if I feel like it, I will report back from the road.
Bonus blog post
I signed up last month for the RPM Challenge. The deal is, you have the month of February to write and record a whole album’s worth of music. As far as the challenge goes, I failed miserably. I recorded 3 songs but only finished one. The song is called:
The lyrics are not meant to be taken literally, but rather it is a reflection on some of the expereinces I have had living in various urban environments. I used the opportunity to work out a lot of what I felt about these experiences in song form. My friend Henning Thomsen helped out on drums. He also helped me out on the remix of Hot Bitch Arsenal’s groovy masterpiece, Failure.