Yeah. I worked today like every day except for the days I don’t. Tomorrow will be the two year anniversary of me coming to Germany. Hmmm. It has been an interesting trip so far. Tomorrow is also “Tanz in den Mai”. Basically an excuse to party because May 1st is a holiday in Germany (Tag der Arbeit, kind of like Labor Day, but in the spring) so they bring may in with drinking and debauchery. Well, mainly drinking. I will contribute my part to the celebration. May 1st also usually means there will be lots of riots and protests and shit going on in the bigger cities like Hamburg and Berlin. Due to the war in Iraq there is sure to be lots of angry pissed off people. Rightly so. Most of the violence that occurs will be caused by assholes just looking for trouble. We’ll see how that goes.
There was a Carnival nearby on the Sülzwiesen. German carnies (the travelling folk that work at carnivals) are not as scary as American carnies. I wonder why. Anyway they blasted off a bunch of fireworks. Cool.
Bis Später