I decided I will tell you one more story. On sunday in Germany everything is closed except restaurants and gas stations. This was a surprise to me when I first moved here and it takes some getting used to when you are American and expect everything to be open 24/7. If you don’t have enough food to eat on saturday then on Sunday you either don’t eat at home or you eat whatever you can find at a gas station (Mmm bifi Wurst). I was feeling like a cold-flu thing was coming on so I wanted to get some stuff called Meditonsin. It some how holds it off for a while, sometimes avoiding it altogether. Of course all the Apotheken (pharmacies) were closed as well. But they have a nice little system here to deal with that on Sundays. They rotate schedules as to what local pharmacy will stay open during the off-hours. So all you have to do is go to a pharmacy and they should have a sign out front saying which pharmacy in town has the off-hours shift. Well a few pharmacies in Lüneburg don’t I discovered as I was wandering around trying to find them. So finally I find it and the off-hours pharmacy isn’t really in Lüneburg proper. It was a good 45 minute (in retrospect) walk away. It wasn’t too far especially in American standards because we’ll drive to pass someone the noodle casserole if only we could just fit the car in the kitchen, but a huge storm was brewing and the winds were really strong and I didn’t feel like walking 2 miles to pharmacy. But I did. And I got soaked and my hat, which everybody hates but me, blew away sending me off to retrieve it. On the trip I saw Dorothy’s house and cows blowing past and some flying monkeys. I got there and got the stuff and then fought the wind and rain back home. My Umbrella was totally useless. Its in a tree somewhere probably. That is my story. Ich wunsche Euch Fröhliche Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch!