Hey John Ashcroft, from one Missouri boy to another, go fuck yourself, you hypocritical piece of shit. Waterboarding is torture. Period.
I really think he should try it out himself and see how it is. Wait a minute. Didn’t the US try and convict Japanese soldiers for warcrimes after WWII for waterboarding US soldiers? Yes.
I don’t really talk about politics anymore on this blog. I just don’t care. I know that apathy is part of the problem but it just doesn’t matter. The game is rigged. It makes my blood pressure rise and I get real angry. The last general election and the aftermath destroyed nearly every bit of faith and hope for humanity I had and any idealism I held for good. Put a fork in it. It’s done. Sometimes I wish the violent and bloody revolution that is coming will get here quick so we can just have a little excitement and get it over with.