‘Good bye, Bayern! Grüß Gott, America’ – FAZ.NET – FAZ Weekly: “Bavarians never spearheaded the lists of immigrants – they came on the second wave, so to speak. Wherever they settled, they influenced the character of their society – and thus Americans’ image of Germany right up to the present day. The picture of women in dirndls and men dancing the Schuhplattler folk dance has stuck as firmly as the image that a castle has to look like Neuschwanstein. ”
High-speed Internet runs into slowdown – FAZ.NET – FAZ Weekly: “An extensive software glitch and logistical problems have caused an estimated 120,000 customers in Germany to wait long periods of time for their high-speed DSL Internet connections to go into service.”
Watering hole – FAZ.NET – FAZ Weekly: “Known as everything from Wasserhäuschen (watering hut) in Frankfurt, to Trinkhalle (drinking hall) in Gelsenkirchen or simply dat Büdchen anne Ecke (that lil’ hut on the corner), kiosks are Germany’s version of the convenient store à la 7-11.”
Expatica: “US flags mounted in dog droppings in German city”