Notes from Germany

I am an American expat living in Germany. It's a far away land on the other side of the ocean. It's interesting and often weird here. If you read this and want to comment then email me at blog(the at symbol) If you find any spelling or grammar mistakes, you can keep them.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Most Kickass T-Shirts

Hallo Blahg Readers,
I haven't updated in a while due to a few reasons:
  1. I don't have to. Nobody's forcing me to do this.
  2. I don't have much of import to contribute to the blogosphere.
  3. I'm busy.
  4. All the really interesting stuff I could blog about, is much too salacious for such a wholesome family blog as this one. I don't want to be responsible for corrupting your souls by subjecting you to all the Rock & Roll, hookers and blow, party party details going on in my life.

Marketing in Germany is weird. If you put an American flag on something, it sells. For example, American T-Shirts. Made in not the USA.

Hey! How about that economy?

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